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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Dean Rhee bids farewell to SBL, Naz

Greetings, Nazareth School of Business and Leadership students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community supporters,

I have accepted an opportunity to serve as Dean of the Girard Business School at Merrimack College starting July 1, 2022. My four-year experience at Nazareth College has been immensely rewarding and gratifying. I have had the opportunity to work with excellent faculty, staff, and students, and we have been able to accomplish many great things together. All good things must come to an end, though, and I look toward a new endeavor for the future.

I will miss the great people at SBL and Nazareth. I strongly believe SBL has great potential, and it will thrive under the able leadership of the new interim dean, Dr. Rose Hair. I have many fond memories of SBL and will always treasure them. I remember what Steve Jobs said during his speech at the Stanford University commencement ceremony of 2005: "Stay hungry, stay foolish." I believe that as long as SBL continues to innovate in business education and generate future transformational leaders, it will continue to thrive and make valuable contributions to our stakeholders. 

Good Luck & Godspeed.   

Kenneth S. Rhee, Ph.D.

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