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Friday, March 19, 2021

New artificial intelligence institute benefits students, businesses, and society

Artificial intelligence is changing business and the public sector, bringing advantages and new possibilities as well as risks to individuals, groups of people, and businesses/organizations. Examples:

  • Machine learning software promises efficiencies, but Amazon had to scrap its resume-vetting software because it was based on data about current, overwhelmingly male engineers, so it consistently discriminated against women. 
  • Recently, Twitter apologized for deploying an image-cropping AI that preferred white faces over black.
  • Artificial intelligence can provide greater efficiency in medical diagnosis and personalized treatment, but models trained on biased data encode the historic privileging of white patients over patients of color as well as men over women, both in services and in the research basis for care.

In response to urgent needs for technology that’s designed for positive and just outcomes, rather than causing harm, Nazareth College is launching the Institute for Technology, AI, and Society (ITAS) to become a global leader in preparing students for these in-demand jobs. The interdisciplinary collection of academic programs and faculty, experiential learning for students, and community connections will benefit students as well as nonprofits and businesses facing AI challenges and opportunities.

This initiative includes a new major in the School of Business and Leadership for students interested in becoming a business or nonprofit tech project leader or innovator. The major, business, artificial intelligence, and innovation, will prepare students to:

  • Guide organizations to optimize data they have
  • Use artificial intelligence creatively and ethically to support strategic objectives
  • Lead successful teams to implement AI applications

Students also have the option of a minor in business, artificial intelligence, and innovation — which pairs well with majors within the School of Business and Leadership such as marketing, accounting, finance, and business leadership (formerly business management).

"You'll be more marketable to employers if you have knowledge about technologies and artificial intelligence,” says Joseph Porter, Jr., a Nazareth assistant clinical professor with a doctorate in computing and a teaching focus on business analytics, which includes decision making based on insights from data. Nazareth’s interdisciplinary minor in analytics teaches students to use data, technology, statistics, and judgment to assess situations and inform predictions — an in-demand skill set in the job market. 

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